Healthy and goal-oriented throughout your studies
MediCampus Europeo aims to achieve a motivating goal-oriented counseling program throughout the whole studies, enabling students to utilize any part of it they might find helpful, whether it comes to career advice or psychological consultations and support. Naturally, this program will be handling these matters while taking into account all the individual attributes of each respective student. Thanks to this, students are supported and aimed towards making the right study and career decisions while learning how to deal with the challenges the medical studies bring. As a side effect, a good counseling and support also decreases the rate of students leaving their studies before finishing their degree.
Students are not obliged to participate in such programs and if they decide so, the program is free for all students.
Career advice
As mentioned before, the counseling program of MCE also aims to provide students with easier integration into the medical/professional field after finishing their studies. Based on the personalities, motivations and skills of each respective students, the program will provide the student with the best possible career plan from a list of medical specialties. Naturally, any information given is not final, only indicative. Additionally, students are preliminarily being prepared for the expectations of their potential future employers and the medical field job market.
Psychological counseling
The psychological counseling part of our counseling program provides students with ways to fight, prevent or counteract to any unwanted symptoms as for example burnout prevention. With the help of our counselors, students gain the ability to develop strategies aimed at coping with any unwanted symptoms. Students will carry these newly gained skills into their future studies and working in the medical field.
The first session aims at creating a relationship between the counselor and the student and creating an individual plan based on the traits and needs of the respective student. The counselors will be able to spot any possible existing or forming psychological disorders and provide students with the best possible information on how to deal with these disorders and the various therapeutic options possible.
Keeping information safe
Any information provided by the student to the counselor is guaranteed to be confident and in accordance to any national and/or European regulations active at the given time.